HDR10 vs Dolby Vision

October 18, 2021

HDR10 vs Dolby Vision: The Ultimate Showdown

HDR, or High Dynamic Range, has become an essential feature for all new displays. It’s a technology that provides a greater range of brightness, contrast, and color than traditional displays. However, not all HDR is created equal. The two most popular HDR formats are HDR10 and Dolby Vision. In this blog post, we will compare these two technologies in detail.

What is HDR10?

HDR10 is an open source standard that’s used by most manufacturers. It uses a 10-bit color depth, which allows for 1.07 billion colors to be displayed. HDR10 also supports a maximum brightness of 1,000 nits, which is quite impressive. However, HDR10 doesn’t support dynamic metadata, which means that the brightness and contrast levels are predetermined and can’t be changed.

What is Dolby Vision?

Dolby Vision is a proprietary technology developed by Dolby Laboratories. It uses a 12-bit color depth, which allows for 68.7 billion colors to be displayed. Dolby Vision also supports a maximum brightness of 10,000 nits, which is ten times brighter than HDR10. Additionally, Dolby Vision supports dynamic metadata, which means that the brightness and contrast levels can be adjusted on a per-scene or per-frame basis.

HDR10 vs Dolby Vision: Which is Better?

It’s difficult to say which format is better, as both have their strengths and weaknesses. HDR10 is more widely supported, as it’s an open source standard. It’s also supported by most HDR content. Dolby Vision, on the other hand, offers a greater range of colors, brightness, and contrast, and supports dynamic metadata.

When it comes to actual performance, studies have shown that Dolby Vision outperforms HDR10. A study by HDTVtest found that Dolby Vision had a peak brightness of 1,581 nits, compared to HDR10’s 1,146 nits. Another study by flatpanelshd found that Dolby Vision has better color accuracy and overall performance.


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